Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hey, I won :-) - and 'down and dirty denim skirt' pics.

First of all, I am so excited! Jane, from 'The Small Fabric of my Life', chose my idea for her airport outfit for when she goes off on her holiday to Spain! She asked for suggestions as to what she should wear and will bring back a souvenir for the person who chose the outfit she liked best! That was me :-))))) How great is that? I'm still smiling ;-) Actually, I hadn't absorbed the bit about the winner getting a prize from her holiday, it wasn't until I read the post on her blog asking me to email her with my snail mail address that I went back and re-read it - thanks Jane, you made my day:-))

I love Jane's blue and silver striped skirt she has just bought, and I plan to make my own version this summer. I have the perfect fabric, an emerald and white stripe cotton - slightly narrower stripe than in Jane's skirt but it will still work. I also want to make myself a version of her American Apparel circle scarf, it looks so versatile and I love scarves! Watch this space.........well, blog :-)

Ok, I had my son take some photo's of me in my denim skirt today - I am putting them on here but I have to say that I don't like them! Does everyone feel they look terrible in their own photo's? I don't know how to stand, what to do with my hands, to smile or look serious...and I feel I look totally shapeless Lol!

when it came to it this was the best of a bad bunch - clearly I need to work on my photo's. I need to get a close up of me and not so much 'stuff' (it probably doesn't help that my lovely, helpful son is 6 feet tall so the angle isn't good! my story!!), but without cutting off my head or legs.............then again, maybe that could be an improvement! Ha ha ha!


The Small Fabric Of My Life said...

I am going for silver top, denim capris, flat purple shoes and my purple circle scarf.
I won't be posting the picture until I get back off holiday but thanks for your suggestions and I look forward to bringing a souvenir back for you.

a little sewing said...

You look really great. And it's easy to crop out the stuff in the background. Do you have Microsoft Office? I use MS Picture Manager all the time, but there are lots of ways to crop & resize photos.
So, over on my blog you posted about a holiday to Oz? Wow that sounds like soooo much fun!

Anonymous said...

The 'boots' look really good!!!