......but my mojo has disappeared! Have you seen it?? If you have please give it a good kick back in my general direction, I will be looking out for it!
Not sure why I am having this unmotivated moment - well, more than one moment actually! I don't know what to sew or where to start. Whenever my day off rolls around I am determined to get into my sewing room at some stage during the day - but it never happens! I am getting to the stage that I am annoyed at myself for not feeling like sewing - because I really want to make some clothes!! How can I have the desire to make new clothes yet not the desire to actually sew!?!
I know I need to start off with something very simple that will go together quickly. A long term project is not what I need at the moment. I have got some lovely fabrics sitting there but I am not sure if I want to make them up yet - I have joined the gym and know my size and shape will be changing over the next few months, maybe that is at the heart of my lack of motivation to actually sew?!
Maybe the trick is to choose some of the fabrics that have been there a while already, and make up a few simple garments for early summer - I am getting desperately short of clothes for this transitional time of year, especially as we are having strange weather! I need some basics to see me through the next couple of months.
Any ideas anyone? Got any motivational tips for me - or know of where I can look to find my mojo? Is there a lost mojo department anywhere? Should I post in the 'lost and found'? I wouldn't know how to describe it, but I sure miss it right now! Lol.
There seems to be an epidemc of that no mojo disease going around from several of the blogs I read. I'm there too. Maybe it has something to do with the time of the year????
Linda, maybe it does! I will blame that then :-) Actually, today I have decided I am going to make a quick denim skirt. I ahve got a huge roll of denim I got really cheap, when I bought it I cut a piece off and washed it to see how it behaved. That will give me a good basic as a start, wont' take too long and I won't be upset if it no longer fits me by Christmas - in fact I will be jumping for joy Lol.
That picture is HILARIOUS! I have mojo overload at the moment. Goodness, it is fun to take a sewing workshop. I bet your mojo will find you again. Force yourself to spend 15 minutes on something. That usually gets me going.
Where ever your Mojo is mine is likely with it. It's not here at any rate. I have things I should be sewing but then a rebellious streak kicks in and says "no".
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